kale salad

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Lemony Kale Salad ….even if you don’t like kale

Kale has been the “new” spinach for a while now. I myself have been more than happy to hop aboard the borecole bus, adding it to everything I consume from breakfast smoothies to lasagna. You can boil this shiz…bake it…saute it…even roast pieces of it into crispy chips for snackin. You can eat it cooked, you can eat it raw, but you most definitely want to eat it because it is just so ridiculously good for you. Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Vitamin K. Calcium. Iron. Fiber. Antioxidants. Omega-3 fatty acids. Unicorn horn (okay, I made that one up but you get the idea). This favorite child of the cruciferous family is green gold. But what if you just don’t like the stuff? Or, what is more often the case – what if you love kale but your peeps or posse or tribe or whomever it is that you enjoy dining with/cooking for does not? Try this. Raw kale sliced super thinly…
