Kick and WHAT?
I know, the name Kick and Dinner doesn’t really make much sense.
It began a few years ago. On Monday nights I would head over to a kickboxing class that I was introduced to by a friend. Before long I was hanging out afterwards at her house (Dancing with the Stars, anyone?) and so of course, I had to bring over some snacks! Well, snacks turned into a salad or side dish or something to go with whatever she and her husband were cooking for dinner and the next thing you know…..I kinda sorta took over!
I think they were okay with it.
I love to experiment with recipes and I figured, hey, once a week, I could really do it up! Our Monday night get togethers became the stuff of legend in our very small circle, and I served up what I thought was some pretty tasty stuff. I would chat about these recipes with my daughter, who lives several states away and has always shared an interest in food and cooking with me. I kept telling her, “One of these days, I am going to start a blog so that you can access the recipes and I can remember what the heck I even made”. SO that is exactly what I did.
My first couple dozen of posts were pretty crazy. I would make a main dish, AND sides, and sometimes I’d go all out and make desert……and then I would chat about every thing I did with no actual recipe; sorta like yakking with my daughter. If you run across a couple of those as you check out the site, erk, sorry. I haven’t had the heart to take em down! But hey, I only had three readers back then, and one of them was me! I’ll re-vamp those babies eventually.
I’ve learned that less is more, simple is better and that I need to keep up with my Pinterest account! (I am the worst with social media, ever ever ever ever)
I cook because I love to eat! Even more than that I love to feel great and food is funny that way….
Eat good to feel good. Eat like crap and feel like . The majority of the posts you’ll find here are made with the greatest aspirations to err on the side of good for you, not just good.
(um….make that most of the time. I’m looking at you, Russian Repercussion )
NOW you get it. Leave me a comment if ya wanna, and thanks for visiting.
Your friend in food,
1 Comment
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!