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Shrimp and Mango Flatbread Fold-overs

Shrimp and Mango Flatbread Foldover

I live in south Florida, where we get to live with the obnoxious oppression of sauna-like weather conditions for the better part of half of any given year. Consistently over 90 soggy degrees Every. Single. Day, it’s humid, it’s sticky, and you can pretty much forget about perfect eyeliner or cute hair. Stepping outside in the summer here is only slightly better than stepping into a giant, warm, wet, slightly moldy kitchen sponge.

But probably not by much.

So we grouse and we complain and without fail the first thing anyone says around here is, “It is SO hot, isn’t it? It is just so hot“, like this is the FIRST TIME EVER, and of course everyone nods and agrees and it’s just one big fat complaint fest. Because, well, you know, it IS really so freaking hot. And as with anything in life…..along with the good comes the bad and the bad with the good; so in the midst of all this torrid smarmy heat (“bad”), if you are paying attention, and if you are really, really lucky……
