Fudgy, chocolatey, moist and squidgie brownies. How I love them! I love them so much, however, that I rarely make them because I know that if I do, it is ON.
As in, the 3 pounds I’ll put ON from eating the entire batch. By myself.
In one day. Okay, in one sitting.
Do you think that’s really bad? Well, yes, evidentially gluttony of this caliber is not a particularly good habit to partake in so I try to curb it by biting the bullet and just saying no. Walk away from the brownies, sister, since I just can’t seem to control myself. Bring on the kale, and the brussels sprouts, and the tomatoes and lentils and beans and hey, wait a minute…………did someone figure out how to inject a molecule of virtue into an otherwise nutritionally void temptation? Enter the Black Bean Brownie.