
Soothing Cauliflower Soup with Mushroom “Bacon” Crunchies

Soothing Cauliflower Soup with Mushroom Bacon Crunchies

When I was a kid the only way I can remember ever eating cauliflower was bland and boiled, generally alongside some sad and soggy broccoli (I think it came that way, you know in those freezer bags?) – and I hated it. Once I got a little older and discovered the charms of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing, I somehow decided that cauliflower wasn’t so bad after all. But of course it had to be raw.

Then again maybe I just liked ranch dressing. 😬

How times have changed, amirite? Cauliflower has catapulted from uninspiring side dish to the darling of the dinner table, and this pristine white work horse can seemingly do it all. You can mash it, roast it, put it in a salad, coat it in hot sauce, disguise it up like rice; even drug yourself with the stuff, and we cannot get enough. Don’t even get me started on how good it is for you.

Raw Superfood Brownies with Avocado Buttercream

Raw Super-Food Brownies with Avocado Buttercream

First, the good news.

Raw brownies, people! As in no-bake, chewy chocolate goodness, chock full of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals galore, all decked out in a bombastic blanket of chocolatey ganache decadent enough to mimic a classic butter-cream (no lie).

Now, for the bad news.

Raw brownies, people. As in no-bake, chewy chocolate goodness, but with NO white flour. NO eggs. NO butter. Very, very little sugar. So really…..nothing anywhere close to what you might be used to if the brownies in your world equal perhaps ….. Betty Crocker’s. Or your mom’s. Or these beauties (which look AMAZING, btw).

What I guess I’m trying to say here, is that these might not be for everyone.

Beefy Ramen Zoodle Bowl

Asian Beef Zoodle Bowl

Take one rib eye steak. Add a boatload of shredded zucchini.

Mix it all up with some sweet and savory saucy-ness and you will end up with this beautific bowl of Asian inspired alchemy……..all the beefy stir-fry, slippery ramen goodness with not one carbie noodle in sight.

And no, it’s not what you’re most likely thinking; she’s just replacing the ramen with something green so she can feel like she’s playing up to all of those New Years Resolutionists out there… you’re not foolin’ anyone, lady! Give me the ramen noodles! You’re just trying to cover up THE LACK OF with a chopped GOURD!

To that I say, no way!

I don’t even DO resolutions. Ever. (Unless you consider the resolution of having no resolutions to be a resolution) Wait. Now I’m confused.

Cruciferous Crack, aka Cauliflower and Broccoli you can’t stop eating!

Cruciferous Crack

I officially OD’ed on this stuff, and I feel pretty good about it.

Broccoli and cauliflower, two of my favorite cruciferous crusaders (disguised by day as plain old boring, borderline bland vegetables) duet together in this bright and flavorful, glucosinolate-packin’ conglomeration.

Full of those cancer cramping compounds found so copiously in this particular lineage of the cabbage family, this stuff is so good for you… full of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals – that you will WELCOME the fact that you CAN’T STOP (won’t stop) eating it!

I’m telling you what. Seriously.

Garlic infused veggies roasted with crunchy slivered almonds until everybody is bronzed and toasty, splashed with an invigorating squeeze of lemon and kissed with a dash of grated cheese for a satisfyingly salty finish. Oh, YUM.

Spin-roccoli (aka) Spinach Broccoli Soup

Spin-Rocolli SoupThis is a re-post from a while ago…but I just made a big pot and boy was it good.

Green thumb. Green light. Green room. Greenback. Greenhorn. Green with envy. Green around the gills. Greener pastures.

Lean Green fighting machine. Oh wait a second, did I get that one wrong? 😏

No matter, because that is exactly what you will be if you eat more, yeah, you know what’s coming here: GREENS.

Quickie Chicken-Corn Chowder

quickie chicken corn chowder

SouP SOUp SOup, fabulous SOUP!

It may not feel like it, as the sizzling summer temperatures outside belie the fact that it is indeed officially FALL; but by gawd if the autumnal equinox didn’t do its astronomical thing a few days ago (September 22, to be precise) and here we are!

This of course means it’s time for all of those good things we humans were bred to view as snuggly and comforting……like flannel shirts, pumpkin spice lattes (have you SEEN the new fall cups at Starbucks? KA-Yoot!), the smell of a fireplace, crunchy autumn leaves and the boots you get to finally wear again to stomp ’em.

One Pot Spinach, Sun Dried Tomato and Artichoke Pasta

One Pot Spinach, Sun Dried Tomato and Artichoke Pasta

I have only ONE recipe on this site that actually includes any form of pasta in its list of ingredients.

Can you believe that? Just One. Okay two, if you count this.

Now I have plenty of recipes that you could use with pasta, or sub in some pasta….but for the most part, my claim to a steadfast breakup with all things noodley and comforting has remained pretty consistent. I love you pasta, with all of my heart, and although it was tough to walk away you were making me fat around the middle and frankly sorta unhappy about it.

Okay then I admit it, we still sneak around occasionally (usually out at dark restaurants), and then there are those times that I just can’t avoid you in public (dinner parties, or somebody nice cooks for you, how can you say no?) but for a pasta prima donna such as myself….I think I did really well for a really long time, you know, shunning your starchy advances.

But this one? This one is such a keeper, I couldn’t keep my guard up another minute.
